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Dancers Connect Community Dance Program

CVPA Support for Arts and Community programs

Awarded 7,500 annually 2014-2019, ongoing


Cross Training Pilates for Dance

Scholoarship of Teaching and Learning

UTLC Grant - Advancement of Teaching and Learning

Awarded 300



Dynamic Alignment and Neuromuscular Facilitation for Dance Education

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

UTLC Grant - Advancement of Teaching and Learhing

Awarded 500


Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation for Dance Education Pedagogy Research

CVPA Deans Faculty research and scholarly activity

Requested 1,200

Awarded 1,000, 2018-2019


Bridging Cultures: Windows, bridges and mirros in the dance class

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Mini Grant UNCG--Advancement of Teaching and Learning

Requested 500



Accessibility, participation, belonging -  Community Dance as pedagogy laboratory

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Mini Grant UNCG- Advancement of Teaching and Learning

​Requested 300



Critical Response Process Creating dialogues between artists, educators and community

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Mini Grant UNCG- Advancement of Teaching and Learning 

​Requested 300



2017- 2018

Building responsive cultures in the dance class

CVPA Deans Faculty research and scholarly activity

Requested 1,500

Awarded 1,000



The Arts Integration Academy (AIA)

USDOE Federal Professional Development for Arts Educators

UNCG CVPA and Guilford County Schools

Awarded 1.3M, 2017-2022

Abstract of Grant Proposal

Full Grant Submission


Advocating with our thumbs

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Travel Grant

UNCG- Advancement of Teaching and Learning 

Requested 500



ArtsBridge America V2 UNCG CVPA

Dr. Mila Parrish School of Dance, Dr. Patti Sink School of Music, Dr. Maria Lim, School of Art, and Joshua Pervis, School of Theater

Requested 10,000

Not Awarded


A+ Global Arts Integration

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Mini Grant UNCG- Advancement of Teaching and Learning 

Requested 300



Until Learning Has No Limit

Achieving Equity: Access Diversity Initiatives

Mini-Grant UNCG- Advancement of Teaching and Learning  

Requested 300



Zeroing in on Core

Innovative Teaching Strategies

Mini-Grants UNCG- Advancement of Teaching and Learning 

Requested 300




ArtsBridge America V1

UNCG School of Visual and Performing Arts

Mila Parrish, PI & Joshua Pervis, UNCG School of Theater

Requested 10,000

Not Awarded


Dance Conditioning for Teachers

Eastern Carolina University and NCDEO 

Dr. Marissa Nesbitt PI, with Mila Parrish & Beth Fath

Awarded: 25,000


Open Space – Handheld Access and reflective practice

CPVA Deans Faculty research and scholarly activity

Requested 1,500

Awarded: 1,300


2015 - 2016

iDance: Digital Partnerships & 21st Century Skills in motion

UNCG Undergraduate research

Requested 4,000

Awarded 4,000



iDance - Digital Partnerships

UNCG New Faculty Research Grant

Requested 5,000

Not Awarded



Connecting Communities: Dancers Connect

SMTD Faculty Research Grant

Requested 1,500

Awarded 1,000


Interactive Videoconferencing

UNCG Faculty Research with Undergraduate Research

Awarded 4,000


2014 ongoing

Dancers Connect Community Dance Program

SMTD Support for Arts and Community programs

Awarded 7,500




Connecting Communities

UNCG Undergraduate Research Grant

with Marielle Abbott and Sam Carranza

Requested 2,000

Awarded 2,000


DaCi Day of Dance

Dance and the Child International – Greensboro, NC

Awarded 300



Dancers Connect Community Dance Program

SMTD Seed grant for Arts and Community programs

Awarded 3,000



Rainbow Etude Community Partnership

Community Arts Grant with Penn-Griffin School for the

Arts Dance Educator Cheri Stokes

Awarded 500


2012 -2013

iDance Digital Partnerships

Interactive Videoconferencing

UNCG New Faculty Research Grant

Requested: 5,000    

Not Awarded


Community engagement redefined

UNCG Undergraduate Research Grant to attend NDEO

Requested:  2,000 

Awarded: 2,000


The Green Table:  Jooss’s dance of death, politics, war, and art in our time.

University of South Carolina Provost Research Grants

Creative and Performing Arts 

Request: 19,328

Awarded: 20,000



Dancers Connect Community programs

SMTD Dean’s Grant for Arts and Community programs

Requested: 1,500

Awarded:  1,500



Community in Action

Theatre and Dance Faculty Creative Endeavor Awards

University of South Carolina Deans Award

Request   7,000

Awarded:  7,000


Hip Hop For Humanity

Grant Community Program. USCNDEO

University of South Carolina Office of Student Government

Request: 6,000

Awarded: 1,850


Intergenerational Dance: Reaching, Connecting and Building Community

Magellan Research Grant.

University of South Carolina Office of Student Engagement

Request: 6,000

 Awarded: 5,000


iDance Community Performance

University of South Carolina Provost Research Grants

Creative and Performing Arts

Request: 20,000

Awarded: 6,275



Moving Inventions Dance Service Grant

University of South Carolina Deans Award

Request: 5,000

Awarded: 5,000



Creating and performing build digital neighborhood in dance with iDanceSC

University of South Carolina Art Institute Grant

Request: 5,000

Awarded: 5,000


Re-Mix Hip Hop

Community Program. USCNDEO

University of South Carolina Office of Student Government

Request: 6,000

Awarded: 4,300


Wii Dance Service learning in the schools

University of South Carolina

Promising Investigator Research Award

Request: 10,000.00

Not Awarded


Interactive Performance: Visual Culture in Dance Magellan Research Grant

USC Office of Student Engagement

Request: 6,000

Awarded: 5,500


Crossing Boundaries in Dance

Magellan Research Grant

USC Office of Student Engagement

Request: 3,000

Awarded: 2,500


Re-Mix Hip Hop workshop

Community Program. USCNDEO    

University of South Carolina Office of Student Government

Requested: 1,850

Awarded: 1,850



Collaboration, responsibility & interactive problem solving with iDance SC videoconferencing

Research Grant University of South Carolina

USC Arts and Humanities Grants Program

Request: 20,000

Not Awarded



Back to the Future-Community Curriculum Partnership Research Grant

University of South Carolina Art Institute Grant

Requested 5,000

Awarded: 5,000


iDance South Carolina

Magellan Research Grant

University of South Carolina Office of Student Engagement

Requested: 6,000

Awarded: 6,000




Service Learning Research Grant

University of South Carolina the Office of Student Engagement.

Awarded 3,500



Jeff Rebudal Dance Residency

ASU Dance Education Guest Artist Residency    

Awarded: 600



Kyrene Arts and Academic Enrichment

Kyrene Monte Vista Community Programs Grant     

Develop and implement year-round programming for academic and artistic enrichment.

Awarded: 11,500



U.S. Department of Education Research Grant.

Project MASTERWORKS- Designed to provide high-quality professional development to Phoenix, Arizona arts educators in assessment of student performance and achievement within a standards-based arts education program.

Awarded: 900.000


AZ Creates

U.S. Department of Education Research Grant

Designed to systemically improve and enhance arts education programs by creating an online professional learning community of arts educators.

Requested: 825,000

Not Awarded



Preserving and Creating Access to Historical Documents in Dance Arts Education

National Endowment for the Humanities

Dance Preservation Grant

Requested: 355,000

Not Awarded



iDance Arizona

Community Research Grant        

ASU ArtsBridge America Grant  

Awarded: 4,500



CISE RI: An Interdisciplinary Research Environment for Motion Analysis

Research Grant

Place: Vision, and Voice program.  Research to support early development of a PVV Narrative Play Space. One of fourteen participating investigators on a grant totaling $1.4 M. over 3 years

Awarded: 1.4M



Meaning is Fluid Grant

Arizona Commission for the Arts     

Awarded: 8,000


Evaluating Dance in the Digital Classroom

ASU Herberger Research Grant

Awarded: 7,000



Community Connections: research grant investigating interactive learning through immersive performance technology

National Science Foundation (NSF)                            

Institute of Studies in the Arts (ISA)

Grant received excellent evaluation, a site visit and was in the top five for funding.

Requested: 1,500,000

Not Awarded


Mediated curriculum in dance and culture

ASU Herberger Research Grant

Research, testing and professional development of HS teachers using the Interactive Gateway website and curriculum package.  

Requested: 15,000

Not Awarded



Yvonne Rainer documentation and website

ARTSWORK Research Grant

Research in the development and implementation of interactive web site for Yvonne Rainer.

Requested: 12,000

Awarded: 12,000



Teaching Enrichment Grant for dance technology

Research Grant Herberger College of Fine Arts

Requested: 13,000

Awarded: 13,000



Research Grant Tempe Arts Grant                                                        

Requested: 7,100

Not Awarded


Process-Based Dance Documentation

Research Grant ASU Herberger

Awarded: 6,700




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