Academic Courses
Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentals
Labanotation and Motif Writing
Introduction to Pilates
Body Mind Dancing
Dance Education - campus and online instruction
Dance education theory
Methods of teaching children’s dance
Methods of teaching creative processes, Improvisation and choreography
Methods of teaching dance technique, ballet, modern and jazz
GRAD Practicum and assessment
GRAD Issues in Planning the Dance Curriculum
GRAD Methods in P-12 DE: Dance Technique and Performance Skills
GRAD Reflective practice in dance education
GRAD Methods in P-12 DE: Critical Thinking and Literacy in dance
GRAD Thesis
GRAD Advanced dance teacher licensure
Capstone and Thesis
Dance research capstone
GRAD Research methods
GRAD Research methods for dance education
Technique and creative practice
Contemporary technique I and II
Ballet I, II, III
Dance Technology
Approaches to technology integration in the classroom
Video dance
Dance education and technology
GRAD Technology in K-12 education
GRAD Dance Education and New Media
Dance history and criticism
Dance analysis and criticism
World dance
Syllabi available upon request